Who created the troll face

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The Adventures of Dudley the Dragon - Wikipedia

Trollface | Know Your Meme In the following months, Ramirez' drawing quick gained traction on 4chan as the universal emoticon of an Internet troll and a versatile rage comic character. For a brief time, the face became alternatively known as "the coolface" after a rage Internet troll - Wikipedia A concern troll is a false flag pseudonym created by a user whose actual point of view is opposed to the one that the troll claims to hold. The concern troll posts in web forums devoted to its declared point of view and attempts to sway the group's actions or

Göran Lundström creates off-putting, but natural, creatures for Border. Border tells the story of Tina a natural at stopping smugglers.

Aug 16, 2016 ... Who is the creator of troll face? Where did it come from? How much money has been made from it? Today we answer all those questions plus ... The History of The “Trollface” Meme – Jacqueline Lien – Medium Oct 20, 2016 ... Carlos Ramirez is the original created of The Trollface. He is an artist that is known by his deviantART. He revealed that The Trollface was ...

Who is the creator of troll face? Where did it come from? How much money has been made from it? Today we answer all those questions plus more as we look at t...

Troll Face Meme Sticker - Apps on Google Play Do you like to put troll and rage faces in your cool photos so you can make fun of your friends, family and yourself? If you like funny stickers on your pics and ... Troll Face - Home | Facebook Troll Face. 1728522 likes · 3058 talking about this. ... Page created - February 7, 2012. People. 1,728,522 likes. Related Pages. Meme Center. Entertainment ... Troll Face Quest Games | TrollFace Quest Troll Face Quest is taking over the internet. ... Category: Trollface Quest Game ... And that was probably the reason why game developers created a troll face ...

Trollface | Teh Meme Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

Trollface creator Carlos Ramirez has made $100,000 off the Apr 08, 2015 · A man wears a "trollface" mask. Matt Chan/Flickr (CC) Like Nyancat, "the cake is a lie," Tron Guy, and Doge, "trollface" is a bona fide piece of internet history. And more than that: It's an How the now famous Trollface came to be.. | FactSpy.net Trollface was created but didn’t kick off till it was used in a board on 4chan. It was then when the Trollface exploded across the internet being used in hundreds of thousands of images, on thousands and thousands of websites. Trollface | Teh Meme Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia Origin. The earliest sighting of the meme was under the name of "Coolface" instead of "Trollface" in Janurary 2007. The Trollface was originally drawn by Carlos ...